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A long and winding road...

Getting the paperback version of the sequel has proved a bit of a nightmare. What should have been a straightforward process was marred, partly by me and partly by the crazy mix up over ISBN numbering. Well, at least if appears to be finally resolved and with a bit of luck the paperback should be available on Feed A read. com ( first by next week and on Amazon not too long after that.

The problem stemmed from a a word document where for some peculiar reason I'd accidentally (god knows how) selected a grey shade text instead of full on black. You can only imagine my horror when I saw my proof copy with parts of the book fluctuating between black and grey print. When I submitted the revision the ISBN number had been changed, I howled in horror having had a few thousand leaflets/flyers printed with the original ISBN number. That wasn't the end of it. I had new flyers printed only to discover the ISBN number has been changed yet again by the printers, Could it get any worse? Fortunately, Feed A Read managed to put things right.

So why this admission?

It's been a salutary experience. In future less haste and more care when creating an interior, Even with two pairs of eyes going over the revised text typos still find their way into the finished edition. Oh, well. I haven't got the heart to revise the three errors I came across. They'll just have to remain. No matter how thorough the job something will always get past you.

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