Novel Soundtrack

To save you the trouble of hunting down the individual music files I've created the youtube links below in the title, sub-title, prelude and chapter order they appear. (You may want to use these later or even sooner. That's your choice). Music that appears in the chapter text I'll deal with separately later as this has different resonances. In the meanwhile, here is the full list of the songs.
Oh, yes. The Interlude. That should be treated as a pause in the story and contains a list of songs Mack and Effy might have listened to during their separation. That is included in the novel too. Enjoy.
Subtitle: SomeKind of Wonderful – Marvin Gaye
Prelude: One Fine Day – The Chiffons
Chapters 1-66
1965 soundtrack
From Chapter 18 onwards
40 My Boyfriend’s Back – TheAngels