The Dark Side
"Write or write not. There is no writer's block." Yoda
There were times and there are times when the act of writing feels impossible. More often it's a case of distractions clouding the mind from its purpose. Yoda would say that's when we turn to the 'Dark Side'. I confess I'm guilty of being turned to the 'Dark Side' more often than I should. Okay. The key word here is distractions. You name the distraction and I've probably experienced it at some point. Strange how it seems to happen when trying to work out a knotty plot problem or sequence in the story line. Or it's suddenly a case of having to watch this TV programme that's on in the background or make a cup of tea or coffee that's not needed. Or maybe feeling the pressing need to go out to see a man about a dog that really isn't necessary. Worst of all is having to know what's happening on Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram or whatever is our current app of choice of instant media

Our minds are paralysed, 'clouded with the noise of distraction', prevented from fully focusing. The solution is simple. Defeat the distractions. Shut them down, shut them out. Switch off that TV. Put that 'phone out of reach so it's an effort to get up from your desk. Better still, power it off altogether so you are undisturbed. Don't open your Facebook page in the browser lurking behind your word processor. Clear the mind of these temptations and creativity will be freed to reassert itself. And if you still think you can't write, even without the distractions, then concentrate on doing the background research. Who knows? You may even find the inspiration you're looking for by focusing on what you need to know in order to write.