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Up lifting novels - the only ones I'm writing.

My author copies

I've grown weary of reading depressing storylines. There are just too many dispiriting and disheartening novels out there. I can no longer cope with their gloomy angst ridden output. Bleak dejection seems to be the preoccupation of too many authors desperate to be "the next big thing in literary circles." The world can be a sufficiently depressing place as it is. I don't need my reading matter to do the same. I'm done with reading those kind of gloomy stories, if not forever then for the long term. Part of the human condition some of you will think? Maybe so but there's an end of it for this writer.

There are problems and difficulties in life, that's inescapable and undeniable. We do have a choice when we choose to switch off from the world with a book. or a movie. That's why I've made my choice. That's why my conscious decision to write stories with a built in feel good factor. My characters face challenges and obstacles like the rest of us. Like us they over come adversity though not easily, just like we do by and large in real life.

I want to entertain, enthral and cheer, not fill my reader or myself with dark, disturbing thoughts. That's my mission and ambition. Life with all its imperfections and troubles is still to be treasured. Bringing a smile and making a reader feel good are what I prize in my writing along with the joy to be found in life in spite of everything. A good up lifting story is what this author is all about.


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