Amazon - The Retail Highwaymen
To say I'm disgusted with AMAZON barely covers what I really feel. I am an Indie Author and publish my books on a Print On Demand (POD) basis. They were originally retailing my novel ALICE at £6.99 in a distribution deal with FeedARead. (i.e. at £1 more). They suddenly, and without warning, have now started selling it at £13.98. (£6.99 x 2) claiming now it is P&P free. Really? To quote a German expression "I think my pig is whistling." Blackwells Books Online (a UK bookseller/distributor) only charges £8.70 inc. P&P. Other online booksellers also charge a premium, but none as outrageous as Amazon/Book Depository (yes they own it, pretending it's not owned by them).
