Cave venditor. (Seller beware). When Amazon UK appear to be in breach of distribution contract. Is t
In a world of publishing, where most traditional publishers and literary agents ignore the vast majority of authors (searching for the...

"Is evil some thing you are? Or is it some thing you do?" Brett Easton Ellis
I had to write a chapter in the forthcoming novel dealing with an act of extreme violence. This posed a moral dilemma not only for...

Sometimes you need to see the funny side of life as a writer: "Gimme the books ... I was an int
There seems to be a following online for creating imaginary 'pulp' novel book covers. They make me break out into a big grin if not an...

Ain't life funny...
To my surprise my long time friend Paul posted this on my Facebook page (John Knight @ Jimmy Mack) this morning: "Just ordered this book...

I heard he wrote a good book, I heard he had style. So I came to read him, to read for a while. And
"You won't ever use what I've told you if you ever write that novel, will you?" Embarrassment colouring her face and the words as she...

KISS. Keeping It Simply Straightforward. Style is a matter of common sense.
Aristotle wasn't being a snob when he wrote this quote. He was making the point that for everyone to understand what he was writing it...

What you read years ago can come to your aid as a writer years later. Fear is the key I needed and I
One of the most common pieces of advice offered to those wanting to write goes something to this effect: write, write, write and if you...

Sane...just about.
Came across this quote while cruising the web in the hunt for some background information for the sequel novel. As usual it was a...

Taking a long walk...strange conversations.
Okay, I don't pretend that I'm the first author to let my characters live in my imagination. Any author worth their reputation has had to...

Advice worth taking.
When I wrote Jimmy Mack it wasn't with any idea of hitting the best seller charts. Crossing genre boundaries I suspected that the...