'Jimmy Mack' – Should be on sale within 10 days.
Arrived back from Spain to find the 'proof' copy of the novel waiting. I'm pleased to say it's good to go. Should be on sale within 10...

Real time novel.
CHAPTER 49 Number One In Your Heart – Herbie Goins & The Hightimers (Parlophone R 5478 B – 1966) Saturday 29 October 1966 "The doors...

Generation X. They key to a good novel - Spadework
Although I'm very much a teenage product of the mid Sixties and have a better than decent memory (historian background) I still like to...

Novel Soundtrack
To save you the trouble of hunting down the individual music files I've created the youtube links below in the title, sub-title, prelude...

Novels with a soundtrack. Their soundtrack, our soundtrack. The Soundtrack to your life.
I like to believe that each one of us, certainly those of us who are part of the original Generation X and later, like to believe we have...

The Dark Side
"Write or write not. There is no writer's block." Yoda There were times and there are times when the act of writing feels impossible....

Among Mods there is a truism: 'Once a Mod, always a Mod'.
. Among Mods there is a truism: 'Once a Mod, always a Mod'. When I was twenty-one or so I wrote a two act play that was performed over...

Fiction must always be fiction rooted in life experience. That experience need not be personal to you the writer. Retirement gave me the...