Until 1929...girls of 12 and boys of 14 could be legally married.
Like most writers I do a lot of research to make my fiction as authentic as possible. I came across this interesting piece of...

The Art of Allusion #2
In the novel Robert MacKinnon says to his son, "We should not seek temptation. Being men, we have urges leading us into temptations that...

The Art of allusion in the novel #1
From Chapter 9. "Mack surprised himself with a rather poetic though strange thought. I could drown in those eyes."

At the core of Mod philosophy: "Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better."
I'm proud enough to let myself be labelled a Mod. Those of us who choose to be labelled Mods do so because it reflects a philosophy of...

...although I prefer a happy ending for me it's always about the story!
Albert Camus. French author and existentialist.

21st Century Mods
Click on the pic for video link

Bizarre mystery. Published on 25-10-2017? Can anyone explain this to me?
Can anyone explain to me how a new published book within days of its release sees it's value jump from £7.95 to £28.55?

IBAN or not IBAN? What is the Question? What is the answer?
Just tried to set up a a Kindle version of the novel with Amazon's KDP branch. Everything was great until I tried to enter banking...

One annoyed author. Amazon gets it horribly wrong.
I am really annoyed with Amazon. They have classified JIMMY MACK (my novel) as Erotica and BDSM. I have had to to request a...

Novel now published and on sale
My new book Jimmy Mack has just been published! Read an extract, find out more or buy on Feed A Read. Or on book cover image to visit...